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PARIS -- Andy and Jamie Murray are weighing up the possibility of playing in the men's doubles alongside each other at Wimbledon.

Andy Murray and Dan Evans linked up in the French Open in men's doubles but fell in the first round on Friday evening to Sebastian Baez and Thiago Seyboth Wild. Both are hoping to make the cut for Team GB at the Paris Olympics but will wait on rankings to determine if they will force their way into contention.

For Murray, this could well be his final year on tour, having previously said he doesn't plan to "play much past this summer." And, as attention now switches to the grass court season, Andy Murray revealed he and Jamie are talking about the possibility of the two linking up at Wimbledon. However, Andy is yet to commit to playing men's doubles.

"I'm not 100% sure yet," Andy Murray said of whether he'll play doubles at Wimbledon. "My brother [Jamie] doesn't have a partner for Wimbledon currently. We have spoken a little bit about it. So may do that, but not 100% sure yet. We'll see what happens, but yeah, we'll probably decide in the next few days probably."

The two have played alongside each other previously, the last outing coming in Washington in 2019. They have also partnered each other in three Olympic Games and helped Great Britain win the Davis Cup in 2015.

Murray was talking after his first round loss at Roland Garros alongside Evans. The two fell in the first round of singles earlier in the week, but were looking to make a run to build up clay-court experience and improve their rankings ahead of the Olympics.

The two Brits had played together twice on tour -- in 2017 at Indian Wells and 2023 in Washington. On another rain-interrupted day in Paris, Evans and Murray pushed Baez and Seyboth Wild close but twice lost out in tiebreaks 7-6 (6), 7-6 (3).

"I guess for both of us, it was kind of an opportunity to put our names in the frame to play the Olympics and stuff," Murray said. "That's why it was a pretty strong doubles event this year, a lot of singles guys playing ahead of the Olympics.

"You know, I think me and Dan obviously were hoping to have a good run here. Yeah, it wasn't to be. So don't know if we'll get the opportunity. There's guys obviously ahead of us in the rankings, and we've got good doubles players in the UK. Yeah, let's see what happens."

Evans added: "It was obviously a difficult match, I thought. They played pretty well, I think. I probably didn't have my best match, but we fought pretty hard. All credit to them. They got a bit of fortune, as well. They played pretty well, I must say."

Elsewhere, there was some success for Great Britain in the doubles at Roland Garros to bring some joy after a poor first round in the singles where all six British hopes lost. On Friday, Jamie Murray, Luke Johnson, Joe Salisbury, Henry Patten, Maia Lumsden all won.

But there was no luck for Katie Boulter and Heather Watson who lost to Chan Hao-Ching and Veronika Kudermetova, while Olivia Nicholls, Julian Cash and Lloyd Glaspool also lost their first-round doubles matches.

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